Souleymane Bachir Diaw, born in Dieuppeul-Derklé (Dakar, Senegal), is a visual artist who works between Dakar and Paris.
He primarily experimented with photography as a visual practice on the edge of documentary and staging. Gradually, installations and texts became an integral part of his practice, as a way of experimenting and interacting with the different ecosystems of his environment. His visual experimentation often starts from encounters and discussions, enabling him to shape the memory and the emotions of the links he weaves.
His work thus closely blends his investigations into socio-cultural dynamics with the complexity, richness and tenderness of (his) interpersonal relationships.
His work has been exhibited at various solo and group shows: Strangers' House (Mumbai, 2024), Rencontres Photographiques du 10e (Paris, 2023), Photo Schweiz (Switzerland, 2020), Rotterdam Foto Festival (Rotterdam, 2019).
His photographs have also appeared in publications such as Oath Magazine (Vol. II, 2020) and AnOther Magazine.
In 2023, his work was selected as one of the 10 finalists in the 38th Hyères International Festival photography competition, where he was awarded the American Vintage Photography Prize.
He primarily experimented with photography as a visual practice on the edge of documentary and staging. Gradually, installations and texts became an integral part of his practice, as a way of experimenting and interacting with the different ecosystems of his environment. His visual experimentation often starts from encounters and discussions, enabling him to shape the memory and the emotions of the links he weaves.
His work thus closely blends his investigations into socio-cultural dynamics with the complexity, richness and tenderness of (his) interpersonal relationships.
His work has been exhibited at various solo and group shows: Strangers' House (Mumbai, 2024), Rencontres Photographiques du 10e (Paris, 2023), Photo Schweiz (Switzerland, 2020), Rotterdam Foto Festival (Rotterdam, 2019).
His photographs have also appeared in publications such as Oath Magazine (Vol. II, 2020) and AnOther Magazine.
In 2023, his work was selected as one of the 10 finalists in the 38th Hyères International Festival photography competition, where he was awarded the American Vintage Photography Prize.
Personal works

Recipient of photographic mentorship from “Fonds RÉGNIER pour la création” and Agence VU' in 2021-2022
2024 - "About Sutura and when Birago Diop talks of Things rather than Things" commissariat par Prabhakar Kamble, Strangers House, Mumbai, India
2023 - 38th edition of the International Hyères Festival of Fashion, Photography and Accessories, Hyères, France
2022 - Haute Photographie, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2022 - Sana Sanaa Studio "Corona Call", Berlin, Germany
2020 - Photo Schweiz Photo "Black Art Matter" Festival, Zurich, Switzerland 2020 - Rotterdam Photo Festival "Transitions", Rotterdam, Netherland
2023 - Selected artist Rencontres Photographiques du 10e 2023 edition (coming in Septembre)
2023 - Selected artist Photography Grand Jury Prize for the 38th edition of the International Hyères Festival of
Fashion, Photography and Accessories
2022 - Selected artist PhotoVogue Global Open Call: "The Next Great Image Makers"
2022 – Espaces Trames and Institut Français du Sénégal with Atelier Ndokette, Dakar, Senegal
2021 – Cité Internationale des Arts via ellipse art projects with Atelier Ndokette, Paris, France
2021 – Oath Magazine Volume II
2021 – AfroStyle Magazine
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